Wednesday, August 26, 2009

man oh man

so i went up to camp this past weekend (waaaaay northern maine, on the border of canada), and spent some quality time with some family members i don't see often. my grandfather's house is an hour from our camp, and my mother and i took a ride over on saturday. after finding out my new shop is called "grandma june" in memory of my beloved grandmother, my grampa finally decided he was willing to let go of my grandmother's wardrobe. she's been dead for three years now, but anytime we tried to clear out some of her stuff, my grandfather always refused. finally the time has come, and grampa wanted me to take it all... so i did. packed the car to capacity. i am back home in south portland, and overwhelmed with my apartment. SO MANY CLOTHES! PURSES! SHOES! and her smell, it's everywhere. now comes the time where i go through everything, and make three piles. 1. stuff to keep for sentimental value/personal wardrobe. 2. stuff to sell. 3. stuff to donate to goodwill.

here's a sneak peek!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have tons of awesome vintage!
    You should try selling some on Market Publique, which is for VINTAGE ONLY - WOOO WHOO!
    It's about time us vinties get our own site, no?
